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Qualitative Respiratory Fit Test

Course fee

$80 per person- for groups under 8 people

$60 per person- for groups over 8 people

**Please note, if you don't attend training on the day and have not notified Electro Group Training of your absence, you will forfeit your full fee.

Course details


Approximately 20 minutes per person



When and where

No dates available for this course.

About this course

This a non-accredited industry course. This test measures correct fitting of the mask and check a person’s ability to detect any leakage of gas challenge agent into the respirator based on taste, smell or reaction to an irritant. 

Qualitative fit testing (QLFT) is a pass/fail test that relies on the wearer's ability to taste or smell a test agent. Fit testing for tight-fitting respirators for workers who need to use them, is a    requirement under the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011. The test will determine if the Tight-fitting respirators (often referred to as masks)  fits the wearer correctly and whether the mask provides an adequate seal. Fit testing (using a validated protocol) is required to ensure tight-fitting respirators are a suitable fit. It involves checking that a specific model and size of tight-fitting respirator matches the wearer’s facial features and seals adequately to the wearer’s face and is an essential step in the respirator selection process. It will also help to identify unsuitable respirators (which should not be used).


Each QLFT method uses seven exercises performed for 1 minute each:
o Normal breathing.
o Deep breathing.
o Moving head side to side.
o Moving head up and down.
o Bending over at the waist.
o Reading / talking  aloud.
o Normal breathing again

  Please note that this course is for fit testing of masks, not for training people in how to perform fit tests. 

*Students will complete with a Respiratory Fit Test Card and Certificate


Not Applicable

Course dates

Course calendar


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